سوق فلسطين
سوق فلسطين

إعلانات أفران سوق فلسطين بافضل سعر

(2 إعلان)

  Arabic Bread Production Line
Arabic Bread Production Line

Arabic bread production line (automatic bakery) is a fully automatic production line, from mixing ingredients to cooling bread through several successive machines, and bread is

1 جنيه

place باقي دول العالم، Kilis

place 03/12/2021

 Rotary Oven
Rotary Oven

The Rotary Oven is the ideal and most suitable choice for baking various western bread products, desserts, pastries, and hamburger bread. This oven is widely popular among small

1 جنيه

place باقي دول العالم، Kilis

place 03/12/2021

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