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  dst detector

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Usa gold detectors alpha 2020 - istanbul

Dst Detectors Technology For Metal And Gold Detection
All are waiting this device, and we know that you searched a lot and you couldn’t find a device lets you achieve your goals, but now your wish became true with ALPHA and all you should do is continue reading…
ALPHA device with remote sensing technology and two long range systems to explore and detect Gold, Treasures and other metals.
The first device globally with remote sensing two long range systems, deserved and won this after many experiments by the most famous treasure hunters among USA, Asia and Europe, where it proved its competence with its accurate results in goal detection from long distances reaches to 2850 meters, and high depths reaches to 50 meters underground, and with its new detection and operating smart systems which are available for the first time globally in ALPHA.
Alpha detector has two integrated remote sensing long-range systems, enable you to identify and detect Gold, Treasures and Metals.
Alpha is the world’s first long-range detection device. It was awarded this title after having undergone the necessary experiments through the most famous treasure hunters in America, Europe, Asia and Africa, and having proven its efficiency in determining targets from long distances up to 2250 meters and to 50 meters as a depth underground, and it includes the modern specifications, intelligent and operating detection systems, which is available for the first time internationally only in AJAX Alpha.
ALPHA is equipped with the most modern and advanced systems specialized to detect and locate gold, treasures and metals places from long distances. This device contains high functions that enable the user to complete the exploration of his targets at the least time and effort possible.
This device provides the user with an integrated interface search, that displays the exact target path and intelligent balance systems to carry the device and your destination as well, so it is the best device without any competitor.
This device has two detection systems:
Long-range detection system (Manual)
2. Long-range detection system (Automatic
Mobile : +90 538 913 3500
Dst Detectors Technology TURKEY ISTANBUL

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